Emmanuel Connection Microlearning Centers, Inc.
ECMLC exists to transform abandoned homes throughout the city of Indianapolis and transform them into faith-based Microlearning Centers. Each MLC will function as a hub for services including, but not limited to tutoring, mentoring, career counseling, and health awareness for families within a 2-block radius. Wi-Fi access, mobile devices, and online training will be among the many cost-effective technologies provided to maximize community participation and impact.
It takes a healthy village to raise a healthy child. In far too many cases, abandoned homes are a sign of abandoned villages and abandoned children. If we are to raise a healthy child, we must first raise a healthy village. Transforming abandoned homes into Microlearning Centers is critical to achieving that goal.
With our approach, the student doesn't come to the community center; the community center comes to the student.
ECMLC overcomes challenges related to transportation and waste. Challenges related to transportation to and from traditional community centers are eliminated as a result of placing skills and technology within residential spaces of the community. Challenges related to waste are all but eliminated as a result of channeling more money to services and less money to overhead.
As centers of local innovation, Microlearning Centers are poised to inspire products and services yet unimagined for the good of the city of Indianapolis and greater metropolitan area. Every Microlearning Center will function as a convening hub of services offered by partnering non-profit organizations within and beyond local communities. Partnerships are the key to providing more meaningful and sustainable experiences that individual organizations lack the capacity to actualize on their own. For this reason, each Microlearning Centers will benefit nearby residents, community partners, and corporations in countless ways.